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Attorney at Law

San Francisco State University
John F. Kennedy University School of Law

Bar Number: 244015
Admittance: 9/12/2006







Se habla Español

Trusted By His Clients

 Attorney Malcolm Feied is stubborn, persistent, and has a healthy mistrust of authority. He doesn't believe in taking "no" for an answer, so he works every angle to get his clients the best possible outcome. If this is the kind of man you want to defend you, feel free to request a free 30-minute consultation below.

CONFIADO POR sus clientes

El abogado Malcolm Feied es persistente y tiene una desconfianza saludable hacia la autoridad. No acepta fácilmente un "no" como respuesta, por lo que trabaja en todos los ángulos para obtener el mejor resultado posible para sus clientes. Si este es el tipo de abogado que busca, no dude en contactarlo para consulta gratuita.

We are ready advocate for you in all kinds of criminal defense situations, including:

Estamos listos para abogar por usted en todo tipo de casos de defensa penal, como:


Manejar bajo influencia de alcohol o drogas




Violencia doméstica

Probation Violation

Libertad condicional



Antecedentes Penales

Assault and Battery

Asalto y lesiones


Drug Possession & Sales

Drogas: posesión y venta

Jail Alternatives

Sentencias alternativas


Theft and Larceny

Robo y hurto

what to answer if you are contacted by law enforcement


Lo que debes responder

si eres abordado por la policía o agentes de la ley.

In public: (en público)

"I would like to go about my business. If I am free to leave, I request to do so."


If you are told that you have the right to an attorney before questioning 

(Si te dicen que tienes el derecho a un abogado):

"I do not wish to appear uncooperative, but I refuse to answer any questions without my attorney present. My law firm is the Law Office of Malcolm Feied at (510) 499-1924."



If you are told that you have the right to an attorney before questioning 

(Si te dicen que tienes el derecho a un abogado):

"I do not wish to appear uncooperative, but I refuse to answer any questions without my attorney present. My law firm is the Law Office of Malcolm Feied at (510) 499-1924."


If you are asked for consent to search:

(Si solicitan tu consentimiento para revisar tu propiedad, carro, o tu persona) 

"I do not consent to any searches of my person, property, or vehicle."


If you are asked for entrance into your home: (Si te piden permiso para entrar a tu casa) 

"You do not have permission to come into my home."


If you are over 21 and are stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs: 

(Si eres mayor de 21 y te paran por sospecha de manejar ebrio o drogado):

"I will not take any field sobriety tests and I will not take the PAS test (the preliminary alcohol screening test)."


If you are under 21 and are stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs:

(Si eres mayor de 21 y te paran por sospecha de manejar ebrio o drogado):

 "I will not take any field sobriety tests." You are not permitted to refuse the PAS test.

If you arrested for DUI: The officer must give you the option to take either a breath or blood test. A urine test may be among the test choices if the officer suspects that you are under the influence of a controlled substance. You must submit to one of these tests: you do not have the right to an attorney when making this choice or at any time before or during the test.


El oficial te dará la opción de hacerte un análisis de aliento o de sangre. Una prueba de orina también puede estar entre las opciones de prueba si el oficial sospecha que estás bajo la influencia de una sustancia controlada.

Debes someterte a una de esas pruebas: no tienes derecho a un abogado al hacer esta elección o en cualquier momento antes o durante la prueba.

Request a Free 30 Minute Consultation

Solicite una consulta gratuita de 30 minutos.




(510) 499-1924


    We will get back to you ASAP

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